R Healthcare Technical Information Manual - Dash Page 13 March 2007 Revision B
Test both
by spinning each castor wheel in turn, and first listen to the sound of the needle bearings in the
wheels for signs of dryness or grating.
Whilst the wheel is spinning, look for excess out of true running of both the periphery of the tyre (0.060” – 1,5mm
total) and side-to-side run out of the tyre (0.030” – 0,75mm total).
Any damaged castor must be replaced, R Healthcare recommend these are replaced in pairs.
On each
in turn grip the wheel firmly through the spokes and attempt to rock the wheel on its bearings looking
for excess movement of the wheel and also excess lateral movement of the wheel along its centre pivot bush. There
should be no excess movement. Test both
for any sign of head bearing rock by gripping the castor fork with
both hands and rock the fork up and down. There should be no excess movement.
With one finger raise the wheel to 90 degrees then take the finger away. The castor should drop under its own weight
– should the castor stall, tap the wheel sharply with one finger. If the castor still fails to drop, then the head bearings
should be adjusted accordingly.
Visually check that the wheel centre bush and the castor fork inside faces are in contact with each other. If there
is a gap between the two, this indicates that the wheel centre bolt is insufficiently tightened.
Any damaged castor must be replaced, R Healthcare recommend these are replaced in pairs.
. Test the tyre pressure on pneumatic tyres to ensure correct inflation pressure (correct pressure can normally
be found moulded into the side wall of the tyre).
Now, using the push handle, lift the R.H. rear wheel off the ground, gently spin the wheel backwards and visually check
a) The wheel rim is running “true” in both planes.
b) The tyre is running “true” in both planes.
c) On S.P. chairs also check that the hand-rim is running “true” in both planes.
315 dia. wheels should not deviate from true (side to side) by more than 1.5mm (.060”).
and 24” wheels should not deviate from true (side to side) by more than 2.5mm (.100”)
Check that
are fixed firmly to the wheel rim especially with slotted cleats. Test each fixing by grasping the
hand-rim adjacent to the cleat, brace thumb against sidewall of tyre and with the thumb pushing against the tyre, try
to pull the hand-rim sideways. Repeat on all cleats on both wheels. There must be no sharp edges or protrusions.
There should be no paint chips, which can result from impact when going through doorways. Chipped hand-rims should
be replaced in pairs.
Standing at the rear of the chair, lean forward and apply
Right Hand brake
. Grasping the hand-rim, push and pull
hard on the rim to test brake effectiveness. If movement of the wheel is detected, adjust brake shoe towards the tyre
until all movement of the wheel is eliminated.
On Attendant Propelled, where no hand-rim is fitted to wheels, pull and push the wheels by grasping the tyre
periphery. Leave brakes in the “on” position. Wheels must remain firm to position and not turn.
Repeat operations above on
Left Hand brake.
Inspect between rear wheels and test that the tipping sleeves are securely fixed (grasp each sleeve firmly and try to
rotate the sleeve).
Tip chair forward and visually check underneath, look for missing or loose nuts, paint damage, linkage fracture or dust.
Ensure any suspect or damaged parts are replaced.
Ensure all service information is completed for ongoing service and maintenance information
This completes the defect detection checklist