GRB-200 Demodulator (GOES-R) OI&M
GRB-200 Demodulator (GOES-R) OI&M
© Copyright 2015, Quorum Communications, Inc.
Revision A.01
Figure 34 - GRB-200 Demodulator Data Interface Sub-System
The Data Interface Sub-system accepts the burst baseband frame output of the
Demodulator Sub-system and makes it available to the Data Processing Sub-
system. This process is identical for the LHCP and RHCP signals so only one
will be discussed.
The recovered baseband frame output from the Demodulator Sub-system is burst
into a 256 KB FIFO at a rate of 270 Mbps. This data is then read out of the FIFO
and written into a high speed USB 2.0 ASIC to be read by the Data Processing
Interface. The data rate of each GOES-R signal is 15.5 Mbps so this process
slows the demodulator burst rate to a more acceptable 30 Mbps rate for the Data
Processing Sub-system.