QM1013-101 0.001-6 GHz Single Channel Upconverter
User Manual
5.8 SYSTem:SAVEstate [1-5]
This command saves the current setup to non-volatile memory. There are 5 re-writeable memory loca-
tions, specified by choosing an index between 1 and 5. Any of the 5 states can be restored on startup
when specified with the SYSTem:BOOTstate command. The parameters saved are the
RF Power State,
External LO1 Enabled, External LO1 Switch Override, External LO2 Enabled, External LO2 Switch Over-
ride, External Reference Enabled, External Referece Switch Override, Tune Frequency, Attenuator 1 Set-
ting, Attenuator 2 Setting, and Attenuator 3 Setting
. For a detailed description of the parameters saved,
see the relevent command descriptions in this manual. NOTE: The MEM_CLR button on the back panel
will rewrite the contents of states 1-5 with the contents of state 0 when depressed, serving as a reset to
factory defaults.
There are 5 memory locations, numbered 1 through 5. Memory location 0 contains the factory default
settings and is write-protected.
This command saves the current state to memory location 3
Error Message
If the parameter is not in the recognized format, error
-102, "Syntax error"
If the parameter is less than 1 or greater than 5, error
-222, "Data out of range"
Quonset Microwave
Revision 1.0.1