QM1013-101 0.001-6 GHz Single Channel Upconverter
User Manual
The PIC firmware update process documented below is performed using a Custom Computer Services,
Inc. (CCS) ICD-U64 Debugger/Programmer. The ICD-U64 from CCS includes the CCSLOAD free pro-
grammer control software, which is used to load the update. The update can also be performed using
Microchip’s MPLAB X IPE or any supported programmer’s native software.
Figure 2.13:
CCSLOAD: PIC Programming
After opening CCSLOAD, simply click the Open File icon and select the QM1013-101_v1.0.0.hex file. The
PIC32MZ version currently also requires additionally selecting the Device field, which opens the Select
Target Device dialog, where the PIC32MZ2048EFH144 device must be selected. Once properly setup,
select the ’Write to Chip’ icon. After programming, close
CCSLOAD to run the new firmware version.
Quonset Microwave
Revision 1.0.1