QM1004-2-18 Combined RF Upconverter/Downconverter
User Manual
5.7 SYSTem:SAVEstate [1-5]
This command saves the current setup to non-volatile memory. There are 5 re-writeable memory loca-
tions, specified by choosing an index between 1 and 5. Any of the 5 states can be restored on startup
when specified with the SYSTem:BOOTstate command. The parameters saved are the
RF Power State,
LNA Power State, Reference Frequency, External Reference Enabled, External Referece Switch Override,
Tune Frequency, External LO1 Enabled, External LO1 Switch Override, LO1 PLL Mode, LO1 Reference
Divider, Upconverter Attenuation, Downconverter Attenuation
. For a detailed description of the parame-
ters saved, see the relevent command descriptions in this manual. NOTE: The MEM_CLR button on the
back panel will rewrite the contents of states 1-5 with the contents of state 0 when depressed, serving as
a reset to factory defaults.
There are 5 memory locations, numbered 1 through 5. Memory location 0 contains the factory default
settings and is write-protected.
This command saves the current state to memory location 3
Error Message
If the parameter is not in the recognized format, error
-102, "Syntax error"
If the parameter is less than 1 or greater than 5, error
-222, "Data out of range"
Quonset Microwave
Revision 6.1.0