QM1004-2-18 Combined RF Upconverter/Downconverter
User Manual
3. FPGA Firmware Updates
The QM1004-2-18 Control Board uses a Micron™ serial flash and a Xilinx® FPGA. Micron™ serial flash
are not currently fully supported by the Xilinx® iMPACT programming tool. The following sections demon-
strate the steps required to successfully configure the iMPACT software and load a Micron™ flash.
Xilinx® iMPACT
Xilinx® iMPACT Standalone Programmer is included in the Xilinx® ISE Lab Tools and is used in this
guide. ISE Lab Tools are available for free download using the following link:
All Xilinx® software downloads require Name and Address Verification in compliance with U.S.
Government Export Regulations prior to downloading.
System Environment Variable
A system environment variable must be set to allow the iMPACT software to skip its ID Check of the
Micron™ flash. In Microsoft Windows, this is done through System Properties. In Microsoft Windows 10,
click the Start Button and type "Edit the system environment variables" and click on the "Environment
Variables" button. The Environment Variables window is divided into two sections, User Variables and
System Variables. A new System Environment Variable must be created by clicking "New" in the System
Variables section. In the New System Variable window, enter the following:
Variable value: 1
USB Cable Connection
A standard USB 2.0 A-Male to B-Male Cable can be used to connect the computer to the QM1004-2-18.
The A-Male end of the cable connects to the computer and the B-Male end of the cable connects to the
QM1004-2-18 in the port on the back panel labeled FPGA PROG.
Quonset Microwave
Revision 6.1.0