is managed by the United States Air Force 50th Space Wing.
A computer that serves other terminals in a network, providing Services such asnetwork
control, database access, special programs, supervisory programs, or
Programming languages.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
A display that uses liquid crystal sealed between two glass plates. The crystals areexcited
by precise electrical charges, causing them to reflect light outside accordingto their bias.
They use little electricity and react relatively quickly. They requireexternal light to reflect
their information to the user.
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
A low power electronic light source commonly used as an indicator light. It uses lesspower
than an incandescent light bulb but more than a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
Personal Digital Assistant. PDA is a term for any small mobile hand-held device thatprovides
computing and information storage and retrieval capabilities for personal orbusiness use,
often for keeping schedule calendars and address book informationhandy.
Random Access Memory. Data in RAM can be accessed in random order, andquickly written
and read.
Radio Frequency.
RFID (Radio frequency identification)
A technology that incorporates the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling inthe
radio frequency (RF) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identifyan object,
animal, or person. RFID is coming into increasing use in industry as analternative to the
barcode identification.