UMTS/HSPA Module Series
WCDMA UGxx FILE AT Commands Manual
WCDMA_UGxx_FILE_AT_Commands_Manual Confidential / Released 9 / 19
1. It is strongly recommended to use DOS 8.3 file name format for <file_name>.
2. <checksum> is a 16 bit checksum based on bitwise XOR.
If the number of the characters is odd, set the last character as the high 8 bit, and the low 8 bit as 0,
and then use an XOR operator to calculate the checksum.
“+++” sequence will cause TA to end the
command and switch to command mode; however, the data previously uploaded will be preserved
into the file.
3. When executing the command, the data must be entered after CONNECT appears.
4. The ACK mode is provided to avoid the loss of data when uploading large files, in case hardware flow
control doesn‟t work. The ACK mode works as follows:
1) Run AT+QFUPL=<file_name>,<file_size>,<timeout>,1 command to enable the ACK mode.
2) The module outputs CONNECT.
3) MCU sends 1K bytes data, and then the module will respond with an
Write Command
TA switches to the transparent access mode, and the binary
data of file can be inputted. When the total size of the inputted
data reaches <file_size> (unit: byte), TA will return to
command mode and reply the following codes:
+QFUPL: <upload_size>,<checksum>
+CME ERROR: <err>
The size of the free space in <name_pattern>
. Please refer to the “+QFLDS”
The name of file to be stored. The max length is 80 bytes
“RAM:<file_name>” The name of file uploaded to RAM
The file size expected to be uploaded
Default is 10240. Unit is byte
The actual size of the uploaded data. Unit: byte
The delay time in seconds of waiting data to be inputted to USB/UART. Default is 5s
Whether to use ACK mode
0 Turn off the ACK mode by default
1 Turn on the ACK mode
The checksum of the uploaded data
The error code from the module (see the
Appendix A