Section 7:
Security Locks
Page 22
he 2800 allows a security lock to be applied to variable fields on an individual basis. Up to 15 separate lock codes
may be designated. The Lock Data window is accessed via the menu bar
Configuration -> Setup 2800
When a variable field is created using ScreenMaker 2000K any one of the locks may be assigned. When a
operator attempts to access a locked field a screen will pop-up requiring them to enter the correct lock code.
This is the pop-up
security screen
The operator must enter all four characters of the lock code. A lock code is comprised of the characters zero
through nine, the minus sign, and the decimal point in any combination. This allows for 20,735 possible lock
codes. Blind entry is used meaning the characters keyed in are not displayed, however, an asterisk is displayed for
each entry so that the operator has some visual feedback.
If an invalid lock code is entered
this screen will be displayed for a
moment, then the current triggered
screen(s) will reappear.
Cancel = EXIT
PM2800U3K Revision 4