Appendix A
Frequently Asked Questions
GoVault™ Data Protection Software, Version 1.0 User’s Guide
Always purchase cartridges that are large enough to hold all of your
original files uncompressed. The GoVault data protection software will
compress files before they are stored to the cartridge, and only store the
changed parts of a file thereafter. So, depending on the compressibility of
your files, you generally need a cartridge that is only a little larger than
the size of all your original files.
If you like, you can create two or more plans and save a portion of your
disk on two or more cartridges. This is what you should do if original file
set is larger than the capacity of a single GoVault cartridge.
When should I use Windows System Recovery instead of
the GoVault data protection software?
Windows System Recovery protects the operating system and most
installed applications and allows you to restore the system files back to a
previous point in time. You should always use Windows System
Recovery instead of the GoVault data protection software to restore the
operating system.
You should also use Windows System Recovery after running a restore
Everything task if you suspect any inconsistencies with your operating
system or any installed applications.
How does the GoVault data protection software work with
my Microsoft Outlook files or other open files?
Microsoft Outlook files have been notorious for creating problems with
most backup applications for two reasons:
• Outlook files are typically very large
• The file contents are always changing