QDI Innovations
KuDoz 7X
Hot key for Recovery
There are 12 options, including NULL and F2~F12. Key F12 is default.
If NULL is selected, Restore interface can not be used with pressing hotkey.
If you select one key of the rest 11 options, you can enter Recover interface
by pressing the hotkey you setup during POST.
If the Backup hotkey and Recover hotkey have been set with the same key, the
default will be Backup hotkey.
Backup Function Introduction
press Backup Hotkey to enter Backup Interface during the POST(Power On Self
Test), then the follwing interface will appear. You can scroll the highlight bar to the
option you want to work with using arrow key. Press ENTER to confirm.
Hard Disk Selection Menu
If you installed the system with several
IDE hard disks, and you have pressed
the backup or restore hotkey during
POST, hard disk selection menu will
popup before you enter backup or recov-
ery interface, in which all of the IDE hard
disks installed on your system will be
listed. You can scroll the highlight bar to
the hard disk you want to work with using
arrow key. Press ENTER to confirm, and
the following operation will be performed
on the selected hard disk:
figure-2 Hard Disk Select
figure-3 Backup Interface
Backup Partition Table
2 Backup System Partition C:
3 Backup Whole Disk
4 Backup CMOS Setup
5 Free Backup Area
6 Exit Backup Menu
02-9-10, 11:43