MITX-V1K0 Series - User Guide, Rev. 1.0
// 62
Switches and Jumpers
The product has several jumpers which must be properly configured to ensure correct operation.
Figure 37: Jumper Connector
For a three-pin jumper (see Figure 37), the jumper setting is designated “1-2” when the jumper connects pins 1 and 2.
The jumper setting is designated “2-3” when pins 2 and 3 are connected and so on. You will see that one of the lines
surrounding a jumper pin is thick, which indicates pin No.1.
To move a jumper from one position to another, use needle-nose pliers or tweezers to pull the pin cap off the pins
and move it to the desired position.
Pin-9 Selection for COM1 & COM2 (JP1 & JP2)
The jumper JP1 and JP2 can be used to select the power voltage of Pin 9 of the serial COM port COM1 and COM2
Figure 38: Pin-9 Selection (JP1, JP2)
Table 44: Pin Assignment JP1, JP2
Jumper Position
Pin 1-2
Pin 2-3 Pin 3-4 Pin 4-5
Pin-9 = +12 V
Pin-9 = +5 V
Pin-9 = +5 V
Pin-9 = RI
X” = Jumper set (short) and “-” = jumper not set (open)