The Trusted Source
light will remain lit while it is connected
to the winch. If the red light on the con-
troller begins blinking while operating
the winch, the controller is out of range.
Move the controller closer to the winch
until the light stops blinking. Test both
the “OUT” and “IN” functions of the
winch using the rocker switch. The
winch is now ready for use.
NOTE: Wireless handheld remote con-
troller will automatically shut off after 2
minutes of inactivity and the red indica-
tor light will no longer be lit. The power
button must be pressed once again to re-
activate the wireless controller. Also, the
wireless receiver on the winch is designed
to automatically shut off after 10 minutes
of inactivity and the power button will no
longer be lit. The power button on the
winch will need to be pressed once again
to reactivate the winch.
NOTE: The wireless remote will work
within a range of 10 feet from the winch
but may work farther distances depend-
ing on physical obstructions and other
conditions. We do not recommend using
the wireless feature from the cab of your
Jeep. If you choose to winch from the
cab, please use the wired option for
safety and consistency.
Clearing and Pairing a Wireless Remote
to your Winch:
The wireless controller
that comes with your winch is paired
from the factory and ready to use. This
pairing procedure is ONLY necessary
when replacing the original remote due
to loss or damage.
To clear a previously paired remote, make
sure your new replacement wireless re-
mote control is off. Press and hold the
winch power button and continue to
hold the button in until the button begins
to blink. Continue holding the power but-
ton in until the light shuts off and comes
back on. At this point the old remote is
erased from the system. If the light begins
to blink again the clearing has failed.
Repeat the previous step.
To pair a new remote, press and continue
to hold both the power button on the
winch and the power button on the re-
mote controller. The winch power button
and the red “WIRELESS” Indicator Light
on the controller will both blink and then
stay lit for approximately 10 seconds. At
this point the controller is paired. Test the
winch “OUT” and “IN” functions on the
remote to ensure that the remote is func-
tioning properly. If the controller is not
working repeat the pairing procedure
from the beginning.
Power Button
Rocker Switch
Red “Wireless”
Indicator Light
Remote Controller Setup