Cable and pocket must
be on the outside of the
door surround
Thread the end of the D-Ring through the flap/
tube sewn into the top deck (FIG50) and attach
the D-Ring to the spring assembly that is han-
ging out of the top deck (FIG51). Using a pair
of pliers, crimp the spring end slightly to keep
the D-ring from sliding off the spring. Repeat this
procedure on the other side of the vehicle and
loosely tighten these straps, starting on one
side and alternating to the other so the top deck
is centered. When Tightening, the cable that is
attached to the spring will fit under the pre-insta
lled screw on the door surround (FIGS52 & 53).
You will fully tighten these straps later.
NOTE: Do not fully tighten these straps until ad-
vised to do so in step 13 when the front header
is closed on the windshield. If these straps are
fully tightened before you fold down the front
header you will damage the Top!
Step 10: Installing the Top Deck
With the rear of the header secured
and the front header resting back towards the
rear of the vehicle and on top of the rear bow
(FIG45) go to the rear of the vehicle and locate
the rear hook
and loop flaps on the rear of
the top deck. Attach the rear bow flap (Hook
and loop fastener)
to the rear bow as shown in
FIG46. Locate the rear spring strap that has
a buckle and D-Ring attached to it. The end
of this strap has a loop sewn into it. Detach
the “looped end” portion of the strap
from the buckle. This strap wraps around the
rear seat belt post, back through the loop
(FIGs47 & 48) and then around the roll bar back
up towards the front of the vehicle (FIG50). As
shown in FIG49, make sure the strap comes
from the inside of the vehicle out and up towards
the front of the vehicle. Re-attach the strap end
to the buckle/D-Ring assembly.