Troubleshooting Guide
Error codes displayed Ьу the Tissuelyser 11
"FOl" displayed
Drive motor of Tissuelyser 11
"F02" displayed
Drive motor of Тissuelyser 11 not
"FОЗ" displayed
Specified oscillation frequency
"F04" displayed
Transparent hood not lowered
"F05" displayed
Keys held down fог too long
"F06" displayed
Speed sensor defective
"F07" displayed
Solenoid switch defective
Tissuelyser 11 User Manual 05/2016
Comments and suggestions
When the drive motor is overloaded, the Tissuelyser 11 switches itself off to allow
the drive motor to сооІ. А display on the Тissuelyser 11 alternates between "FOl"
and the remaining cooling time in minules (e.g., "03" indicates З minutes).
After the cooling time has elapsed, switch the TissueLyser 11 off and then оп
again Ьеfоге continuing to operate the instrument.
lf the drive motor does not slart after the "START" key has been pressed, contact
QIAGEN Technical Services Іо request instrument гераіг. The drive motor may
Ье blocked, ог the motor ог speed sensor may Ье defective.
lf the specified oscillation frequency is exceeded, the Tissuelyser 11 switches itself
off and "FОЗ" is displayed. Contact QIAGEN Technical Services !о request
instrument гераіг. The speed sensor may Ье defective.
То protect the operator, the drive motor of the Тissuelyser 11 will only start if the
transparent hood has been lowered. lf the "START" key is pressed while the
hood is raised, "F04" is displayed and the drive motor does по! slart. Іf the
hood is raised while the Tissuelyser 11 is in operation, the drive motor switches
itself off and "F04" is displayed. То cancel the "F04" display, press the "STOP"
Іf one ог mоге keys оп the keypad аге pressed and held down fог mоге than
15 seconds, the drive motor of the Tissuelyser 11 switches itself off and "F05" is
displayed. This is а safety mechanism to prevent unwanted changes іп the
operation of the Тissuelyser II should оп object land оп the keypad. То cancel
the "F05" display, switch the Tissuelyser 11 off and then оп again.
lf one of the magnets сопІгоІІіпg the speed of the Tissuelyser 11 is missing ог
defective, the instrument switches ilself off and "F06" is displayed. Contact
QIAGEN Technical Services !о request instrument гераіг.
Іf there is а defect in the саЬІе fог the solenoid switch, which monitors the
raising of the transparent hood, the Тissuelyser 11 switches itself off and "F07" is
displayed. Contact QIAGEN Technical Services to request instrument героіг.