Noise characteristic
Depth: 461 mm
Арргох. 2 6 kg (without Tissuelyser Adapter Set ог Grinding Jar Set
3-30 Hz
The поіsе characteristic values аге also influenced Ьу the properties of the
sample to Ье disrupted.
Sound power level Lwл = 71.4 dB(A)
Emission value related to workplace L
дeq = 61 dB(A)
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE}
This section provides information about disposal of waste electrical апd еІесtгопіс equipment Ьу
The crossed-out wheeled Ьіп symbol (see below) indicates that this product must поt Ье disposed
of with other waste; it must Ье taken to ап approved treatment facility ог to а designated
соІІесtіоп роіпt fог recycling, according to ІосаІ laws апd regulations.
The separate соІІесtіоп апd гесусІіпg of waste еІесtгопіс equipment at the time of disposal helps
to conserve natural resources апd ensures that the product is recycled іп а mаппег that protects
human health апd the environment.
Recycling сап Ье provided Ьу QIAGEN upon request at additional cost. Іп the European Uпіоп,
іп ассогdапсе with the specific WEEE recycling requirements апd where а replacement product is
Ьеіпg supplied Ьу QIAGEN, free гесусІіпg of its WEEE-marked еІесtгопіс equipment is provided.
Tissuelyser 11 User Manual 0 5 / 2 0 1 6