MD 5850
Installation Manual
Remove the jumper indicated on the figure above. ( That is jumper number 4 from the
front of the card in the jumper row called J22 )
If this is a new CPU-board from factory, 2 jumpers that are settled under the memory
module (jumper row J20) must be moved so they are standing equal to the third jumper.
They shall all close the two pins nearest the centre of the board.
Insert the card into the backplane again; do not tighten or use the screws yet.
Proceed to 5.1.1
Preparations MVME162P:
Turn off power.
Open the READER by unscrewing the four bolts on the back of the READER.
Loosen the CPU-card by unscrewing two screws on the front of the CPU-card.
Take out the CPU-card.
Move (if necessary) jumper from pin 2-3 to pin 1-2 on J1 (CPU card as system controller)
Move (if necessary) jumper from pin 1-3 to pin 3-5, and jumper from pin 2-3 to pin 4-6 on
J22 (onboard battery as primary and secondary power source for SRAM)
Set switch S4 on dipswitch 5 in position “OFF”.
Insert the card into the backplane again; do not tighten or use the screws yet.
Loading the software and flashing.
Connect a PC/Terminal with e.g. HyperTerm or TeraTerm (configured to 9600,8,N, 1) to
the serial port 1 (console) with a serial cable.
Turn on the power on the READER. After s few seconds you will see something like this
(output text is in “Italic” while input text is in “
Italic Bold face
Copyright Motorola Inc. 1988 - 1995, All Rights Reserved
MVME162 Debugger/Diagnostics Release Version 2.3 - 09/06/95
COLD Start
Local Memory Found =00400000 (&4194304)
MPU Clock Speed =25Mhz
To make the transfer faster you can set the baud rate to 38400 with the command ‘
pf 0
’. (to
get out of this menu type ‘
’ as shown below.)
162-Bug>pf 0
Baud Rate [110,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400] = 9600? 38400
Even, Odd, or No Parity [E,O,N] = N?
Character Width [5,6,7,8] = 8?
Stop Bits [1,2] = 1?
Auto Xmit enable on CTS* [Y,N] = N?
Auto negate RTS* when Recv FIFO full [Y,N] = N?
XON/XOFF Protocol [Y,N] = Y?
XON = $11=^Q?
XOFF = $13=^S?
Baud Rate [110,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400] = 38400? .
OK to proceed (y/n)? y
Update Non-Volatile RAM (Y/N)? N
645-054-1999 rev.4
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