The control is possible by means of: DMX-512 digital signal, analog
signals 0 – 10V or using external keys.
Safety conditions
PX156 dimmer is powered directly from standard 230V grid, what can
cause electric shock when safety rules are not observed. Therefore it is
necessary to observe the following:
1. Installation, particularly power connection, should be performed by a
person holding the appropriate qualifications, according to the
description in the instruction manual.
2. Dimmer can be connected to socket which has protection installation
– separate PE strand – in working order only (3-strand grid).
3. All the conductors should be protected against mechanical and
thermal damage.
4. In the event of damaging any conductor, it should be replaced with a
conductor of the same technical data and attestation.
5. The external devices can be connected to the dimmer with 3-strand
1.5mm minimum cross-section area only.
6. Dimmer can be installed in close electrical switching stations only,
with restricted access for people who does not handle proper
qualifications in 230V supplied devices maintenance.
7. Power input must be protected with an external residual current
breaker with overload of 10A rated current and C-type characteristics.