Installation Guide / SolarRoof
Code-Compliant Planning and Installation Guide V 1.0 (New Zealand) - Complying with AS/NZS 1170.2-2021 -
- Planning -
Determine the Installation Area of Roof
There are 4 different roof zones for tilt leg installation: Internal Zone, Intermediate Zone, Edge Zone and Corner Zone.
Please see diagrams and steps below to define area of each zone.
Step 1. Determine building height (h), width (b) and length (d) – see diagram above;
Step 2. The lowest value between "b x 0.2" and "d x 0.2 is “a” if h/b or h/d 0.2;
Step 3. “a” equates to 2h, If both h/b and h/d < 0.2,
Verify Rafter/Purlin Properties of Building
Please verify rafter/purlin properties of building, which could affect the interface spacing. For example, tin interface
spacing on the metal purlin in the certification letter is based on steel purlin G450 1.5 mm thick. If the steel purlin is less
than 1.5 mm thick, the corresponding reduction factor of interface spacing will be applied. Please refer generic notes
for details.
Determine the Maximum Rail Support Spacing
Please refer to the Certification Letter and Interface Spacing Table. If a project specific Certification Letter has been
provided, please refer to the support spacing in this letter.
Verify Maximum Rail End Overhang
Rail end overhang should be not over 40% of the interface spacing. For example, if the interface spacing is 1500mm,
the Rail end overhang can be up to 600mm only.
Acquire PV Modules Clamping Zone Information
It is recommended to acquire PV modules clamping zone info. from PV modules manufacturer, which can help to plan
interfaces positions on the roof and rails orientation and positions.
Roof Zones Definition