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VFD Driver/Controller IC
PT6315 v2.0
Page 6
Sep. 2002
Commands determine the display mode and status of PT6315. A command is the first byte (b0 to b7) inputted
to PT6315 via the DIN Pin after STB Pin has changed from “HIGH” to “LOW” State. If for some reason
the STB Pin is set to “HIGH” while data or commands are being transmitted, the serial communication is
initialized, and the data/commands being transmitted are considered invalid.
PT6315 provides 8 display mode settings as shown in the diagram below: As stated earlier a
command is the first one byte (b0 to b7) transmitted to PT6315 via the DIN Pin when STB is
“LOW”. However, for these commands, the bits 5 to 6 (b4 to b5) are ignored, bits 7 & 8 (b6 to
b7) are given a value of “0”.
The Display Mode Setting Commands determine the number of segments and grids to be used
(1/4 to 1/12 duty, 16 to 24 segments). When these commands are executed, the display is
forcibly turned off, the key scanning stops. A display command “ON” must be executed in order
to resume display. If the same mode setting is selected, no command execution is take place,
therefore, nothing happens.
When Power is turned “ON”, the 12-digit , 16-segment modes is selected.
Figure 3: Display Mode Settings
0 0 - - b3 b2 b1 b0
Display Mode Settings:
0000 : 4 digits, 24 segments
0001: 5 digits, 23 segments
0010: 6 digits,22 segments
0011: 7 digits, 21 segments
0100: 8 digits, 20 segments
0101: 9 digits, 19 segments
0110: 10 digits, 18 segments
0111: 11 digits, 17 segments
1XXX: 12 digits, 16 segments
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