PSL - Phillips & Smith Ltd
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Doing it better
Engine Operation
General information
The Firemaster 23 pump uses the Briggs & Stratton Vanguard engine. This is a twin cylinder,
overhead valve, air-cooled engine. All drilled/tapped holes and fasteners on this engine are
ISO metric. However, where the pump attaches to the engine, SAE standards apply.
This engine will operate satisfactorily at any angle at which the operator and pump can function
Engine power will decrease 3.5% for each 300 metres (1,000 ft) above sea level and 1% for
each 5.6°C above 25
C. The pump unit has been designed to ensure that no perceptible loss
of pumping will be noticed at altitudes up to 1500 metres (5,000ft) above sea level.
Starting and stopping
Choke operation/engine warm-up
This is a low emissions engine, which operates differently from previously built engines. It is
designed for maximum performance and life if operated with choke fully open (control pushed
in) and throttle fully open (in FAST). To open the choke fully requires an engine warm up
period of several seconds to several minutes, depending on the ambient temperature.
After starting the engine, first open the choke (pushing in control) until the engine just begins to
run smoothly. Then open the choke in small steps, allowing the engine to accept small
changes in speed and load, until the choke is full open (control fully pushed in).
To obtain best starting results
Start, store and refuel pump in level position.
A warm engine requires less choking than a cold engine.
Starting in cold weather
Use the correct oil for the starting temperature expected.
Set speed control at part throttle position.
A warm battery has more starting capacity than a cold battery.
Use fresh 96 or alternatively fresh 91 octane petrol to improve starting.
Before starting engine
Pull choke control out fully.
Move throttle control to mid position.
Turn key to start.
Do not use a pressurized starting fluid. Starting fluid is flammable.
Severe engine damage or fire may result.