PS Engineering
PAC45J Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-1
November 2020
This section provides basic operating instructions for the PS Engineering PAC45J, Audio Selector Panel/In-
tercom Systems. Please read it carefully before using the equipment so that you can take full advantage of its
Note: Because of the flexibility to customize the PAC45J systems nomenclature, the appearance and naming
conventions may differ from those shown below.
Figure 3-1 PAC45J Typical Operating Controls
3.2 Power and Fail Safe
Unit power is controlled by the transmitter (XMT) rotary selector knob. In the "
" or
(fully clock-
wise) position, the pilot headset is connected directly to COM 1 as well as alerts and unswitched input #1.
This allows communication capability regardless of unit condition.
The power controls all audio selector panel functions, and intercom.
3.3 Communications Transmit (XMT) Selection
The PAC45J has a rotary control knob to select communications transceiver functions. To select a transceiver
for transmit; turn the knob to select the desired radio from the eight available.
The radio is automatically selected to receive incoming radio calls when the XMT is selected. With a
PAC45J, you will
transmit on a radio that you are not receiving. The selected audio is indicated by
both knob position and the green text.
Pilot Com Swap (P453 pin 25) switch is available if all eight transceivers are present and configured. If less
than eight comms then pilot comm swap is not possible.