PS Engineering
PAC45J Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-20
November 2020
NOTE: Navaid selection is as follows:
With several sources selected, verify that the volume level of the radios in the headset is controlled by
the INNER concentric knob.
If configured for Oxygen mask mics, activate the remote OXY switch; verify that the microphone audio
source is the Oxygen Masks.
Verify proper crew Intercom system operation in the
, I
With the intercom in ISO or CREW mode, activate the CABIN CALL external switch or by pressing the
observers “ACK” button on the front of the observer control head. This will be the request from observer
stations to speak with the crew intercom stations. Observe that the “CALL” text illuminates on all control
heads, the crew ICS button will flash, and a chime is heard in all headsets.
Verify that switching the intercom (ICS button) into ALL mode on either crew control head will cancel
the CABIN CALL function or if no action is done then it will cancel in 15 seconds.
Verify that the volume level of the intercom is controlled by the inner concentric volume knob.
Verify that the audio selector panel system does not adversely affect any other aircraft system by sys-
tematically switching the unit on and off, while monitoring the other avionics and electrical equipment
on the aircraft.
Repeat for the other aircraft crew stations.
2.10.3 Bluetooth Checkout
Verify that the PAC45J will “pair” with a Bluetooth device, and interface with cellular phone and Music
source. See
If PAC45J is not connecting, resetting the Bluetooth memory might be required. Hold down HRTF & ICS
buttons for 3 seconds until there is a chime in pilot headset.
Bluetooth ID name will be PAC45A. Bluetooth TEL Checkout
Pair the PAC45J with a Bluetooth telephone device. Verify that the pilot headset is connected to the cellular
telephone system (if installed). The telephone function will allow any person heard by the pilot on the inter-
com, also heard on the telephone.
To make or receive a phone call, you must push the TEL button on the audio controller panel.
2.11 Final Inspection
Verify that the wiring is bundled away from all controls and no part of the installation interferes with aircraft
control operation. Move all controls through their full range while examining the installation to see that no
mechanical interference exists. Verify that the cables are secured to the aircraft structure in accordance with
good practices, with adequate strain relief. Ensure that there are no kinks or sharp bends in the cables and
coaxial cables. Verify that the cables are not exposed to any sharp edges or rough surfaces, and that all contact
points are protected from abrasion.
Complete documentation that may be required, such as a logbook entry, weight and balance computation and
FAA Form 337. Sample text for FAA Form 337, and instructions for continuing airworthiness can be found
in Appendix F. Return completed warranty registration application to PS Engineering, or complete online at