PS Engineering
PAC45J Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-19
November 2020
2.10 Operational Checkout
2.10.1 Required Test Equipment
In order to return an aircraft to service after installation of the PAC45J, the installer must have access to
headset(s) and be able to establish 2-way communications on appropriate radios.
Equivalent test equipment is acceptable as long as the testing requirements can be met.
Due to the configurable nature of the PAC45J, control head nomenclature may differ than illustrations.
Some PAC45J systems are intended for integration with other manufacturer’s EFIS. Contact system integra-
tor for operation details.
2.10.2 Audio Controller Test (CTL45J)
PAC45J Control Head
® is designed for ambient noise levels of 80 dB or above. Therefore, some clipping may occur
in a quiet cabin, such as without the engine running, in a hangar. This is normal
Apply power to the aircraft and avionics.
Verify fail-safe operation by receiving and transmitting on COM 1 from the pilot position, with the audio
controller power off /EMG mode (XMT Selector fully CW).
Switch on the unit by turning the XMT select knob to the full CCW position (COM 1).
Verify that the COM 1 legend in both the XMT and RCV change to green. Verify that transmit
is not flashing green
. . . If the LED is flashing green, stop testing and troubleshoot the microphone PTT
installation. If for any reason the transmit PTTs are stuck, then they will disconnect after 35 seconds.
Verify proper transmit and receive operation from the pilot position, noting that the copilot PTT switch
allows proper transmission on the selected transceiver. Verify that the Selected XMIT legend flashes
green when transmitting.
Rotate the XMT knob to the COM 2 transceiver position and verify the indicators change to track the
selection, and COM 2 receiver is heard.
Repeat for any other installed communications radios (up to 8 total).
Verify proper operation of all receiver sources (NAV 1, NAV 2, and AUX 3 through 8) by selecting
them by pulling the appropriate knob to the out position. Turn the knob and verify that the audio level