CSS 12
Balance Pool Chemicals
◊ Add Cyanuric acid (chlorine stabilizer) at the same time you add salt. Cyanuric acid helps maintain chlorine levels and it is
required to maintain chlorine levels during hot weather. A pH buffer can also be added at this time. The appropriated
concentration of Cyanuric acid is from 30 to 70 ppm.
◊ Before turning on the CSS 12, add Chlorine Shock to pool to reach 20 ppm for initial start up.
Run the pool pump and Chlorine Generator for a minimum of 12 hours a day. The actual run time will be affected by the
chlorine demand from the environment or bathers.
◊ The initial set up percentage of chlorine should be set at 50% for the first 3 to 5 days. Test and adjust the chlorine percentage
until the chlorine requirement stabilizes and maintains 0.5 to 1.5 ppm of free chlorine.
◊ If the CSS 12 is being installed on a new plaster pool, do not add salt for 2 to 3 weeks after pool has been filled to help
protect plaster, and to allow time for the plaster to cure. Follow your pool builder’s suggestions on cure time allowance.
You may run your new CSS 12 system without salt in the pool. It will not harm the system, but will not generate chlorine until salt has been added.
The patented Venturi Bypass Installation allows Ozone to flow in to the pool water. Ozone helps in the hardening process for plaster and gunite pools.
Section 3
Pool Preparation
In order for your system to produce chlorine and effectively inject ozone in to the water, the circulation system must operate at optimum levels. Poor
water flow, or short operating cycles will hamper the ability of the CSS 12 to work properly. Below are some of the guidelines for system operation:
The pool circulation/CSS system should operate a minimum of 12 hours per day. Running the system during daylight hours is best. Minimum of
8 hours continuously during the day; 4 more hours at night.
The filter should be cleaned or backwashed as described in the equipment manufacturer’s manual. Filters that become clogged with debris will
not allow proper water flow and may damage pool equipment including the CSS 12 chlorine generator.
Skimmer and Pump baskets MUST be emptied regularly to keep the circulation system operating and prevent blockage.
Debris should be removed quickly from the pool to prevent chlorine demand situations.
Periodic brushing of pool surfaces prevents algae from growing and diminishing the effectiveness of the pools filtration and sanitation systems.
Pool Preparation Warnings
Do not use Copper or Bromine based algaecide products in your pool when the CSS 12 is installed
Always disconnect automatic pool cleaners before adding salt. Salt must be completely dissolved before
turning on the pool cleaner.
Baquacil (Biguanide) pools must be drained and refilled with fresh water prior to using the CSS 12.
Use swimming pool grade salt ONLY (low mineral content sodium chloride)
Do not attempt to add salt via the skimmer, this could damage the filter and pump.
Pool Circulation