6. Configuration Parameters
To configure the RangeLAN2 Access Point, choose the Configuration option from the
Main Menu. The following two diagrams illustrate the software tree:
* * Range LA N2 7 52x o nly
+ Not Accessib le via T elne t
Do tted Line - Visib le w he n config ure d a s M a ste r
Da shed Line - V isible w hen co nfig ure d as Statio n
IP A ddres s
S ubnet M ask
D efault Gateway A ddress
S end B O OTP at B oot Tim e
B OO TP S e rver ( for B roadc ast)
Telnet A cces s
Telnet P assword
** B rows er M ana gem ent
** B ro ws er Us er Nam e
** B rowser P ass word
TC P /IP C o n fig u ratio n Men u
F ilter F ixed Nodes
F ilter IP P ac kets
F ilter IP X P ac kets
F ilter NetB E UI P ac kets
F ilter A ppleTalk P ack ets
F ilter D E C Net P ack ets
F ilter Other P ac kets
F ilter IP X RIP B ro adcast P ac kets
F ilter IP X S A P B roadcas t P ackets
F ilter IP X LS P B roadcas t P ackets
F ilter A RP B roa dcast P ac kets
A RP F ilter Network A ddres s
A RP F ilter S ubnet M as k
F ilter M A C M ultic ast P ack ets
M A C F ilter A ddress
M A C F ilte r S ubnet M ask
B roadca st B andwidth A lloc ation %
Filter C o n fig u ra tio n Men u
A ging P eriod (s econd s)
** F orwarding D B Usage Trap Thres hold (% )
B rid g e C o n fig u ratio n Men u
Radio P ort A dm inistrative S tatus
C onfigured D om ain
C onfigured C ha nnel
C onfig ured S ubc hannel
C onfigured S tation Typ e
C onfigured First M a ster To S ync To
C onfigured M aster Nam e
C onfig ured E rror D om ain
Repeating E nabled
D elay Radio Rec onfig ure
Roam C onfig
Roam ing E nabled
M A C Optim ize
** No Traffic Trap P eriod (sec onds)
** Radio Traffic Trap Threshold (% )
** Radio B roadca st Trap Threshold (% )
S et S ecurity ID
Res et Radio
R ad io C o nfig u ratio n Men u
10B aseT Link M onitor
E thernet P ort A d m inis trative S tatus
Eth ern et C o n fig u ratio n Men u
** Au th oriz ation Ta ble C o n fig u ratio n Men u
** S N M P C o n fig uratio n M en u
** U plo ad C o n fig u ratio n Men u
+ R ese t Acce ss P o in t to F acto ry D efau lts
D u m p C o n fig u ratio n to S cree n
C o n fig u ratio n Men u
S tatistics M en u
S tatu s Men u
D o w nloa d Men u
D iag no stics Men u
R e set Ac cess P o in t
Содержание RANGELAN2 7510
Страница 1: ...RANGELAN2 Access Point Models 7510 and 752x User s Guide 2...
Страница 7: ...vi...
Страница 12: ...5 Figure 1 RangeLAN2 Access Point components...
Страница 13: ...6...
Страница 18: ...11 Figure 4 Cubicle Mount...
Страница 19: ...12 10BASET 10BASE2 Figure 5 Outdoor Enclosure...
Страница 27: ...20...
Страница 51: ...44...
Страница 60: ...53...
Страница 69: ...62 Figure 10 Broadcast Site Survey...
Страница 71: ...64 Figure 11 Directed Site Survey...
Страница 73: ...66 Figure 12 Master Search Tool...