Fig. 24
Fig. 23
Fig. 22
Dual outlet with horizontal
arrangement on flat outside wall
The distances of the dual outlet on a fl at
wall with horizontal arrangement are:
a = 1.5 m; g = 5.0 m; c = 5.0 m
In the case that g < 5 m, the zones are
penetrated, in which it is necessary to
adhere to a total zone width of 8 m, and
proportionally increase the “a” values
on both sides (e.g. g = 4.0 m then a =
2.0 m).
Fig. 23 – Dual outlet with horizontal
arrangement on fl at outside wall
Dual outlet with vertical
The smallest distances in the case of a
dual outlet with vertical arrangement on a
fl at outside wall are:
a = 0.5 m; b = 1.0 m, c = 5.0 m, a1 depen-
ding on x as follows
x > 5.0 m is a1 = 0.5 m
x > 4.0 m is a1 = 0.6 m
x > 3.0 m is a1 = 0.75 m
x > 2.0 m is a1 = 1.0 m
x > 1.0 m is a1 = 1.2 m
Fig. 24 – Dual outlet with vertical arran-
gement on fl at outside wall
Important notice!
Very important – read carefully!
The shown examples of locating fl ues may
be used only when repairing or recon-
structing buildings.
In all other cases it is necessary to pro-
ceed in accordance with Public Notice No.
410/2003 of the Slovak Ministry of Environ-
ment which amends ME Public Notice No.
706/2002 on sources of air pollution, on
emission limits, on technical requirements
and general operating conditions, on a list
of pollutants, on classifi cation of sources
of air pollution and on requirements for
dispersion of polluting emissions.