Air supply and fl ue gases removal
Method C
Fig. 19
Fig. 18
Method C
Combustion gasses exhaust and
combustion air supply must be constructed
from for this purpose designed dual
tubing, which is an essential accessory
to the boiler. The dual tubing is supplied
as extra accessories. Because of the
numerous possible topologies and
components used, the specifi c route
must be part of the building’s exhaust fl ue
design documentation.
Horizontal tubing sections must have
a gradient allowing water condensate
to run towards the boiler or to special
condensate removal components. This
is achieved by combining elbows with
straight components, which will result in a
gentle slope of the straight section.
Condensate removal components should
be whenever possible installed as close
to the combustion gases outlet neck as
possible. Defects caused by condensate
penetration are not covered by the boiler’s
Air supply/combustion gases
removal methods (according to STN
EN 483) and permitted tube lengths
Unless stated for the following dual
tube route design methods and their
termination outlets otherwise, the tube
lengths (from the boiler connection point
to the termination outlet) must be as
specifi ed in the technical specifi cations
Please note:
As 1 Em is regarded either
1 m of straight section or one 90° elbow.
The following methods of air supply and
combustion gases removal are permitted
for this boiler:
Method C
– horizontal routes with hori-
zontal termination outlets discharging to
free space.
When using separate tubing (80+80
mm) in horizontal routes with horizontal
termination outlets, the air supply inlet
and the combustion gasses outlet from
the same boiler must be situated inside a
square of a 0.5 m side.
An example of a dual horizontal tubing
route – method C13 (according to STN
EN 483) is illustrated in Fig. 18.
Method C
– vertical routes with vertical
termination outlets into free space. For
separate tubing termination outlets, the
same applies as for method C13. An
example of a dual vertical tubing route
– method C33 (according to STN EN 483)
is illustrated in Fig. 19.
Method C
– connection to common dual
chimneys. Dual tubing from each boiler