Using the boiler with equithermal
The boiler changes the heating water
temperature as the outdoor temperature
When this type of control is used, it is
necessary to install a control unit which
has the equithermal control function,
Protherm Thermolink B or Thermolink P.
In addition, it is necessary to install an
outdoor temperature sensor.
Protection against freezing
The boiler has an antifreeze protection
system which protects the boiler (but not
the heating and the hot water distribution
systems) against freezing.
When the heating water temperature
inside the boiler drops to 8°C, the pump
is switched on, regardless of signal
from room control unit and summer-
mode setting. When the heating water
temperature inside the boiler reaches
10°C, the pump is automatically switched
off. If the heating water temperature inside
the boiler continues to drop, at 5°C the
boiler lights itself up and heats the heating
water to 35°C.
When the frost protection
function is enabled, the three-way valve
switches to the middle position and both
heating water and hot water start to be
Protection of hot water tank against
When the temperature in hot water tank
drops to 10°C, the boiler heats the tank to
15°C. The function is enabled only when
the external hot water tank with an NTC
sensor is connected.
Protective functions
Pump protection
When the pump has been continuously
idle for 23 hours, it is automatically
switched on for about 20 seconds, to
prevent it from ceasing or clogging due to
protracted inactivity.
The boiler is also equipped with a clogging
protection system.
This boiler function cannot be
Two-speed pump
Two-speed pump with automatical
switching of the speed is mouted in the
boiler. When boiler warm heating water,
pump is runing according to setup of the
parameter on control board. When boiler
warm hot water, pump is runing for higher
Please note:
Pump runing parameter
may be seting up only by an authorised
Pump run-down
Pump run-down is factory set to 30
seconds for heating of hot water. When
heating a heating water, the run-down is
set to 3 minutes. The maximum run-down
can be set to 60 minutes.
Room control unit and outdoor
sensor must be installed by an authorised
service only.
Setting the boiler output
The boiler is factory-set to its maximum
output. If necessary, the boiler heating
water output can be adjusted as required
(in view of the boiler’s features).
Output setting may be chan-
ged only by an authorised technician.