3.0 Connect the
antenna to the ZoLo
Communication Card
take the wire of the
enclosed antenna
through the hole in
the rear metal plate of
the Fog cannon – and
connect it to the Zolo
communication card.
4.0 mount the Fog Cannon,
the PIR Sensor, and the antenna
mount the Fog cannon and the pIr
Sensor with a suitable distance on
the wall adjacent to each other.
the antenna is then placed onto
the top of the Fog cannon. Now set
the DIpswitch settings and connect
power to the Fog cannon.
Follow the installation manual sup-
plied with the Fog Cannon. The fluid container
and metal cabinet/cover should be inserted
into place immediately before carrying out
the full scale test, as per the instructions in
the Fog Cannon manual. Further to this see
point 11.0 in this quick guide.
Quick Guide