PRePaRIng and mountIng the PRoteCt Fog Cannon
1.0 Insert the ZoLo Communication Card into the Fog Cannon
the enclosed pcb
attached to a wire
(Zolo communication
card) is placed on the
rear metal plate of
the Fog cannon it is
magnetic, and is wired
to the pcb of the Fog
cannon *. turn pcb-
side away from the
heating element.
2.0 Connect the PIR Sensor to the PCB of the Fog Cannon
take the wire of the
enclosed pIr sen-
sor/verifying sensor,
through the hole in the
rear metal plate of the
Fog cannon – and con-
nect the wire to the
pcb of the Fog cannon.
* Models PROTECT FOQUS, 600i, 1100i and 2200i.
PROTECT QUMULUS: See installation video.