MVI56-HART ♦ ControlLogix Platform
HART Multi-drop Master Communication Module
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 113 of 171
October 13, 2011
Device With Long Address
(bit mapped)
Each bit in this word corresponds to a slave address
on the network starting at bit 1 for slave address 1. Bit
0 is not used. If the bit is set, the slave uses the long
address. If the bit is clear (0), the slave does not use
the long address.
Current Command
This field contains the index of the current command
to execute.
Command Request Count
This field contains the total number of request
messages issued on the channel.
Command Response Count This field contains the total number of response
messages received from devices on the network.
Configuration Error Word
Configuration error word (see table).
Current Error Code
Current error code for channel.
Last Error Code
Last error code reported for channel.
Channel 3 State
Channel 3 state machine value (used for debugging).
0 Polling
1 Config
2 Data Poll
3 User Poll
4 Wait Unique ID
Comm State
Channel 3 communication state machine value (used
for debugging).
0 Startup
1 Idle
2 Transmit Pending
3 Transmit
4 Receive
5 Post Transmit
6 Idle, Waiting
Device Status (bit mapped)
Each bit in this word corresponds to a slave address
on the network starting at bit 1 for slave address 1. Bit
0 is not used. If the bit is set, the slave is in error. If
the bit is clear (0), the slave is not in error.
Device Poll List (bit mapped) Each bit in this word corresponds to a slave address
on the network starting at bit 1 for slave address 1. Bit
0 is not used. If the bit is set, the slave is in the poll
list. If the bit is clear (0), the slave is not in the poll list.
Device With Long Address
(bit mapped)
Each bit in this word corresponds to a slave address
on the network starting at bit 1 for slave address 1. Bit
0 is not used. If the bit is set, the slave uses the long
address. If the bit is clear (0), the slave does not use
the long address.
Current Command
This field contains the index of the current command
to execute.
Command Request Count
This field contains the total number of request
messages issued on the channel.
Command Response Count This field contains the total number of response
messages received from devices on the network.
Configuration Error Word
Configuration error word (see table).