background image









Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24.












1 : 1


Front View







Side View





Содержание GE-730

Страница 1: ...prisingly up to 14 meters Show your friend how fast it can go Lose a race game Not a chance Robot the spiral spring works with high speed escapement providing the robot steady power to walk 50 centimeters Waddling around with his quirky face you will find him as the funniest and most hilarious buddy ever Timer the spiral spring works with low speed escapement performing as a 6 minute countdown tim...

Страница 2: ...21 遊戲方式 How to Play 拆裝技巧 Disassembly Tips 跑跑發條車組裝 Spring Car Assembly 30 遊戲方式 How to Play 33 拆裝技巧 Disassembly Tips 37 身體組裝 Body Assembly 49 遊戲方式 How to Play 50 拆裝技巧 Disassembly Tips 51 身體與螺旋彈簧結合方式 From Body to Spiral Sping Drive 發條機器人組裝 Spring Bot Assembly 螺旋彈簧驅動器 發條 組裝 Spiral Spring Drive Assembly 螺旋彈簧驅動器 發條 測試 Sprial Spring Drive Testing 6 14 目 錄 Contents 22 滴答計時器組裝 Spring Timer Assembly ...

Страница 3: 游絲 Hairspring 夾鏈袋 Zipper Bag 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mechanical Parts List 零件清單 Product contains functional edges and sharp points 部分產品含有銳利邊角 組裝時請特別注意 警 告 1 本玩具內含小物件 請勿讓三歲以下孩童取得 以免放入口中造成窒息 2 兒童使用剪切工具時 請家長指導使用方式 並請在家長監督下使用 以免發生意外 3 為避免嬰兒或兒童產生窒息的危險 請於拆卸後立即將塑膠袋銷毀或遠離嬰兒及兒童 Choking hazard Small parts Not for children under 3 years Adult supervision is recommended when children use scissors To avoid ...

Страница 4: ...a spare part 塑膠模型零件 Plastic Parts Cut the plastic parts when they are required Do not cut them in advance 請依照組裝步驟將所需的零件剪下 事先全數剪下會在組裝時造成混淆 請注意 C24為備品 Must know 組裝前需知 Unnecessary burrs 毛邊 Unnecessary burrs 毛邊 毛邊 Correct 正確 Incorrect 錯誤 Incorrect 錯誤 請勿過度剪切非毛邊的塑膠零件 以免組裝不確實 導致運作不良 MADE IN TAIWAN 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 27 29 26 25 6 C Spare MADE IN TAIWAN 1 2 3 4...

Страница 5: ...圖圈起處 拉起E3 使用D14一字端安裝 卸除C28與E12 拉起 安裝C28與E12 Assemble C28 and E12 卸除C28與E12 Disassemble C28 and E12 3 E3 C28 E12 PULL PULL Use the middle part to pull E3 Use the tip to rotate C28 E12 1 2 90 Rotate 順時針旋轉90 90 Rotate 逆時針旋轉 90 PULL 拉起 ...

Страница 6: ...8 請勿過度拉拔螺旋彈簧 以免造成損壞 請勿過度拉拔游絲 以免造成損壞 請勿逆時針旋轉C2 P8 P9 C2 C2 Do not pull hard It may break P9 Use the tail to rotate C24 1 2 安裝C24 Assemble C24 卸除C24 Disassemble C24 C24 使用D14開口端安裝 卸除C24 90 Rotate 順時針旋轉 90 90 Rotate 逆時針旋轉90 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 錯誤 Incorrect 錯誤 Incorrect 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 7: ... Tip C19 C6 E7 D20 P5 C3 C1 D14 E9 E2 手部 HAND 右 R 手部 HAND 左 L 錶面 Clock Surface Front Wheel Parts Head C22 C29 D4 P10 Color Box E16 C7 E3 D9 Low Speed Escapement 慢速擒縱機構 Spiral Spring DRIVE 螺旋彈簧驅動 器 發條 頭部 前輪 Rear Wheel Parts 後輪 包裝外盒 ...

Страница 8: ...6 1 2 3 Click 咔噠 Cut off the burrs before assembly C16 P6 D10 E15 螺旋彈簧驅動器 發條 安裝 Spiral Spring Drive Assembly 1 1 E17 C15 C15 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 組裝前請將毛邊剪切乾淨 ...

Страница 9: ...9 1 1 Cut off the burrs before assembly C17 D11 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 錯誤 Incorrect burr 毛邊 burr 毛邊 burr 毛邊 burr 毛邊 組裝前請將毛邊剪切乾淨 Cut off the burrs before assembly 組裝前請將毛邊剪切乾淨 ...

Страница 10: ... Cut off the burrs before assembly E12 C4 P3 1 1 C20 Use the tip of D14 to rotate E12 使用D14的一字端安裝E12 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 組裝前請將毛邊剪切乾淨 burr 毛邊 burr 毛邊 Cut off the burrs before assembly 組裝前請將毛邊剪切乾淨 C17 C4 D11 C20 ...

Страница 11: ...9 10 11 12 13 14 1 1 E12 P2 x2 E6 1 1 C28 1 1 使用D14的一字端安裝E12和C28 Use the tip of D14 to rotate E12 C28 ...

Страница 12: ...16 10 15 C24 x3 D17 正視圖 Front View 90 請將D8壓至底 Please press D8 down firmly Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect D8 ...

Страница 13: ...11 17 18 19 Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 C24 x2 D16 180 使用D14的開口端安裝C24 使用D14的開口端安裝C24 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 14: ......

Страница 15: ...13 21 22 23 TOP 1 1 D1 C28 x2 1 2 2 2 1 TOP sign should be placed on top Use the tip of D14 to rotate C28 TOP 標示應朝上 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 使用D14的一字端安裝C28 ...

Страница 16: ...14 24 25 PUSH Switch the button from 1 to 0 to block the movement 90 螺旋彈簧驅動器 發條 測試 Spiral Spring Drive Testing 1 C9 C2 Spiral Spring Drive 螺旋彈簧驅動 器 發條 往上推 將開關切換到 0 以利停止運轉 ...

Страница 17: ... 2 Rotate the knob clockwise one full turn Switch the button from 0 to 1 to activate the operation Do not rotate the knob counter clockwise or you could break it 請勿逆時針旋轉 以免損壞 將開關切換到 1 以利開始動作 順時針轉一圈 錯誤 Incorrect 往下壓 轉動 ...

Страница 18: ...16 1 2 4 3 C25 D13 P2 x2 C11 C8 D12 跑跑發條車組裝 Spring Car Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Spiral Spring DRIVE 螺旋彈簧驅動 器 發條 ...

Страница 19: ...the center of wheels only not the rim 請朝輪胎中心緊壓 勿壓輪框 5 6 17 x2 泡棉貼 P7 Sponge 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUSH PUSH PUSH C10 P7 1 P7 1 x4 後輪 Rear Wheel 後輪 Rear Wheel PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH 1 1 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 壓 壓 壓 壓 壓 壓 ...

Страница 20: ...18 7 90 側視圖 Side View 俯視圖 Top View C14 C13 1 2 3 PUSH Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 壓至底 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 21: ...19 8 9 10 x2 泡棉貼 P7 Sponge 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 P4 1 1 C5 P7 2 P7 2 x3 1 1 Front Wheel 1 1 前輪 Front Wheel 前輪 Front Wheel 前輪 ...

Страница 22: ...w to Play 1 2 3 D16 D17 PUSH Switch the button from 1 to 0 to block the movement Please hold D16 D17 as shown Wind the knob clockwise until you hear a click sound 推 請依圖示握住D16 和 D17 順時針旋轉直到聽到 咔 的聲音 將開關切換到 0 以利鎖定動作 ...

Страница 23: ... 前進距離可達14M Running distance 14 M PUSH 推 將開關切換到 1 以利開始動作 錯誤 Incorrect 錯誤 Incorrect 當每次結束遊戲後 請將螺旋發條完全 解開放鬆 否則發條可能會變形且失去 彈性 放鬆發條請參考 54頁 Page 54 When you finish playing please always release the spiral spring and keep it totally unwound Otherwise the model can become deformed and lose its strength over time Please refer to for spring release ...

Страница 24: ...not pull hard It may break P9 錯誤 Incorrect 請勿過度拉拔游絲 以免造成損壞 P9 C27 C27 側視圖 Side View 1 2 Correct 正確 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 錯誤 Incorrect P3 E14 3 4 P3 E13 P9 E13 D5 Press E13 down to P9 firmly 請將E13往P9壓到底 ...

Страница 25: ...3 E13 E13 C23 A A A P3 P3 Make sure and are aligned when hands are off of C23 務必確認手放開C23的時候 和 要對齊 A P3 A P3 P3 E13 Hold C23 and adjust E13 to align and 抓住C23 調整E13讓 和 對齊 A P3 A P3 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 請將C23往E13壓到底 ...

Страница 26: ...ct Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 8 9 24 1 1 E12 E10 P3 P3 C26 C26 D7 Cut off the burrs before assembly Cut off the burrs before assembly C26 毛邊 burr 毛邊 burr 7 毛邊 burr 毛邊 burr D7 D7 組裝前請將毛邊剪切乾淨 組裝前請將毛邊剪切乾淨 ...

Страница 27: ...12 Clock Surface Low Speed Escapement Cut off the burrs before assembly Cut off the burrs before assembly Spiral Spring Drive Please join the two parts properly as illustration shown 使用D14的一字端安裝E12 請如圖正確安裝 此兩部件 組裝前請先將 毛邊剪切乾淨 組裝前請先將 毛邊剪切乾淨 錶面 螺旋彈簧驅動器 發條 慢速擒縱機構 ...

Страница 28: ...26 13 14 15 C6 1 2 C19 C12 E7 E16 burr burr Cut off the burrs before assembly 2 C12 C12 D4 D4 1 俯視圖Top View Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 毛邊 毛邊 組裝前請將毛邊剪切乾淨 1 2 C29 C6 D4 D4 ...

Страница 29: ...27 16 17 E2 E9 D9 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 90 ...

Страница 30: ...28 90 18 19 20 E8 E1 D2 D3 D6 D15 D27 D22 D23 D26 2 1 2 1 手部 HAND 右 R 手部 HAND 左 L 手部 HAND 右 R 手部 HAND 左 L ...

Страница 31: ...21 22 29 3 E11 E5 E4 1 3 2 2 2 3 1 側視圖 Side View ...

Страница 32: ...30 遊戲方式 How To Play Switch the button from 1 to 將開關切換到 0 以利鎖定動作 0 to block the movement 1 2 3 鬆開E16 Unbuckle E16 PUSH Please hold D16 D17 請依圖示握住D16 和 D17 as shown D17 D16 推 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 33: ......

Страница 34: ...3 doesn t move give it a 如果C23不動 請輕碰C23來觸發轉動 gentle touch to trigger the swing C23 2 PUSH 推 Switch the button from 將開關切換到 1 以利 開始動作 0 to 1 to activate the operation 最多可以倒數6分鐘 The spring timer can do a 6 minutes countdown 4 2 5 6 1 3 ...

Страница 35: ...low speed escapement still swings up to 30 seconds C12 D4 俯視圖Top View 0 End point 終點 2 1 2 當每次結束遊戲後 請將螺旋發條完全 解開放鬆 否則發條可能會變形且失去 彈性 放鬆發條請參考 55頁 Page 55 When you finish playing please always release the spiral spring and keep it totally unwound Otherwise the model can become deformed and lose its strength over time Please refer to for spring release ...

Страница 36: ...34 2 3 2 4 D9 E9 E2 C6 D4 E16 C29 錶面 Clock Surface 手部 HAND 右 R 手部 HAND 左 L ...

Страница 37: ...6 35 5 C19 小技巧提醒 Tips D14 1 2 Low Speed Escapement 慢速擒縱機構 Spiral Spring Drive 螺旋彈簧驅動 器 發條 ...

Страница 38: ...36 7 E7 正視圖 Front View 正視圖 Front View 1 2 請用E2來拆卸E7 Use E2 to disassemble E7 小技巧提醒 Tips E7 E2 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 39: ... 2 Disassemble C24x2 Disassemble D16 卸除C24x2 卸除D16 D16 D20 身體組裝 Body Assembly Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 使用D14開口端安裝C24 Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 使用D14開口端卸除C24 C24x2 2 2 1 1 3 正視圖 Front View D20 D16 Spiral Spring Drive 螺旋彈簧驅動 器 發條 ...

Страница 40: ...View 4 Disassemble D17 Disassemble C24x3 卸除D17 卸除C24x3 2 1 Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 使用D14開口端卸除C24 5 D20 C7 毛邊 burr 毛邊 burr Cut off the burrs before assembly 組裝前請先將毛邊剪切乾淨 6 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 41: ...39 8 9 7 10 D20 C7 D17 Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 使用D14開口端安裝C24 C24x3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 P5 Front View 正視圖 P5 D20 D20 側視圖 Side View Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 42: ...40 12 俯視圖Top view 11 側視圖 Side View 2 1 1 Cut off the burrs 組裝前請先將毛邊 剪切乾淨 before assembly C1 毛邊 burr 毛邊 burr 2 1 1 Disassemble P2x2 卸除P2x2 Disassemble D8 卸除D8 90 P2 P2 C1 C1 1 2 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 43: ...41 13 90 1 2 1 1 1 2 C3 P2 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 44: ...42 14 1 Please press D8 down 請將D8壓緊 firmly 俯視圖Top View 正視圖 Front View E3 C22 C22 E3 D8 頭 手 腳組裝 Head Arms and Feet Assembly 身體組裝完成 BODY DONE Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 45: ...43 2 3 4 x2 E3 E5 E11 E2 E9 E4 E3 腳部 FOOT 右 R 腳部 FOOT 左 L ...

Страница 46: ...44 5 E8 E1 D2 D3 D6 D15 D27 D22 D23 D26 6 手部 HAND 右 R 手部 HAND 左 L 腳部 FOOT 左 L ...

Страница 47: ...45 7 8 側視圖 Side View PUSH 壓至底 俯視圖Top View Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 手部 HAND 左 L 手部 HAND 左 L 腳部 FOOT 左 L ...

Страница 48: ...46 9 90 側視圖 Side View Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 腳部 FOOT 右 R ...

Страница 49: ...47 10 PUSH 俯視圖Top View 壓至底 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 手部 HAND 右 R 腳部 FOOT 右 R 手部 HAND 右 R ...

Страница 50: ...48 11 12 13 泡棉貼 P7 Sponge 3 3 D21 D25 C6 D24 C18x2 Cut off the burrs 組裝前請先將 毛邊剪切乾淨 before assembly 毛邊 burr 毛邊 burr C6 Head 頭部 C6 Spring Timer 計時器 P7 3 x2 ...

Страница 51: ...w to Play PUSH 推 Switch the button from 1 to 0 to block 將開關切換到 0 以利鎖定動作 the movement Wind the knob clockwise until you 順時針旋轉直到聽到 咔 的聲音 hear a click sound D16 Please hold D16 D17 請依圖示握住D16和D17 as shown D17 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 52: ...可達50CM E3 E3 Disassemble E3 of Left Hand and Right Hand 拆除在左手和右手的E3 D14 PUSH 推 錯誤 Incorrect When you finish playing please always release the spiral spring and keep it totally unwound Otherwise the model can become deformed and lose its strength over time Please refer to for spring release Page 55 當每次結束遊戲後 請將螺旋發條完全 解開放鬆 否則發條可能會變形且失去 彈性 放鬆發條請參考 55頁 ...

Страница 53: ...t Body back to Spiral Spring Drive first 如果要組裝成滴答計時器或是跑跑發條車 請先將身體轉換為螺旋彈簧驅動器 俯視圖Top view 身體與螺旋彈簧結合方式 From Body to Spiral Sping Drive 卸除C3 Remove C3 卸除P2x2 Disassemble P2x2 卸除C1 Remove C1 卸除D8 Disassemble D8 身體 BODY 螺旋彈簧驅動器 SPIRAL SPRING DRIVE C3 D20 C7 P5 D20 C1 REMOVE 卸除 ...

Страница 54: ...圖Top View Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 使用D14開口端安裝C24 C24x3 D8 P2x2 D17 Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 使用D14開口端卸除C24 卸除C7和D20 Remove C7 D20 卸除C24x3 Disassemble C24x3 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 卸除D17 Disassemble D17 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect ...

Страница 55: ...1 Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 使用D14開口端安裝C24 D16 Use the tail of D14 to rotate C24 使用D14開口端卸除C24 Remove D20 P5 卸除 D20 P5 Disassemble C24x2 卸除 C24x2 Disassemble D16 卸除 D16 C24 2 3 1 Spiral Spring Drive 螺旋彈簧驅動 器 發條 ...

Страница 56: ... as shown in the pictures 請勿將手指置於部件轉動處以免受傷 To avoid injury never put your finger in the moving parts Please release the spiral spring completely when you finish playing If not the spring could deform 當不再遊戲時 請將螺旋彈簧釋放完全 避免彈簧變形 Spring Car 跑跑發條車 2 1 注意事項 Warning ...

Страница 57: ...4 3 2 推 PUSH If C23 doesn t move give it a gentle touch to trigger the swing C23 1 55 1 2 發條機器人 Spring Bot 推 PUSH 滴答計時器 Spring Timer 如果C23不會動 請輕推C23使其動作 ...

Страница 58: ...ligned when hands are off of C23 page 23 step Q A A P3 Shaft 桿子 Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect Correct 正確 錯誤 Incorrect 故障排除 Trouble Shooting Please check if the rear wheels are assembled correctly page16 step What should I do if the car doesn t 啟動螺旋彈簧驅動器 發條 後 車子卻不動該怎麼辦 如果計時器運作不順暢 我該如何處理 請回到第16頁 步驟 確認後輪是否安裝正確 滴答計時器不運作或是啟動啟動螺旋彈簧驅動器 發條 後彈簧馬上完全釋放該怎麼辦 請確認慢速擒縱機構是...

Страница 59: ... ordering parts please include the following Parts List 零件型號Part Number 數量 零件名稱 Qty Goods cut are not returnable 此產品為模型組件拆封修剪或包裝不完整 恕不退換 Spiral Spring Science Kit 5GE 73000P1 圓軸 極短 Round Shaft Small 5GE 73000P9 游絲 Hairspring 5GE 73000P10 夾鏈袋 Zipper Bag Part Name 5GE 73000P2 Round Shaft Short 圓軸 短 5GE 73000P3 Round Shaft Medium 圓軸 中 5GE 73000P4 Round Shaft Long 圓軸 長 5GE 73000P5 Hex Shaft Short 六角軸 ...

Страница 60: ...ights reserved 2021001 服務專線Tel 886 2 2218 3233 傳真Fax 886 2 2218 2722 E mail science mail prokits com tw https science prokits com tw https shop prokits com tw 新 北 市 新 店 區 民 權 路 1 3 0 巷 7 號 5 樓 5F No 7 Lane 130 Ming Chung Rd Hsin Tien Dist New Taipei City Taiwan R O C Post code 23141 三合一英倫發條時鐘先生 ...
