INTENSE BODY MASSAGER is a state-of-the-art massaging device that needs to be operated
in compliance with this manual. There are some restrictions where and when not to use it:
The Intensive massage with red light should not be used in the following cases: Tuberculosis, benign and
malignant tumors, hemorrhages, inflammations of the skin, phlebitis and thrombosis, open and fresh
wounds, bruises, broken skin or varicose veins, undetermined calf pain, or joint pain.
In case of doubts, please ask you physician before using it.
Do not use if you are experiencing unexplained pain or swollen muscles, or following a serious muscular
injury before consulting your physician.
Discontinue use of massager if pain increases or swelling occurs after application. If you are pregnant,
please consult your physician in order to find out whether a massage is good for you or not.