● This operation manual provides a description based on operating functions with the remote control.
● In different mode, some buttons may have different function.
Switch the screen power on or off
Display or exit input source menu
Set up the sleep timer
Takes a screenshot and stores the data onto
your connected USB storage device.If there is
no USB storage, the screenshot will be stored
on the built-in storage.
Return to OPS PC desktop
Volume up/down
Display desktop (Home page) on the screen
To confirm or enter a sub-menu or toggle
between options during menu operation.
Use Arrow buttons to navigate in on-screen
Display or exit the setting menu screen
0-9 number buttons
Mute the sound
Page up/down in OPS PC mode
Switch to VGA mode
Switch to HDMI mode
Display or exit the current program information
Display OPS on the screen
: If no OPS, this button has no function.
Freeze the content displayed on the screen
Control buttons for OPS PC
Control buttons for OPS PC
Return to previous menu or exit the on-screen