Promega Corporation ·
2800 Woods Hollow Road
Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA
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Part# TM338
Printed in USA.
Page 10
Revised 1/11
3.D. Calibration Overview
The QuantiFluor™ Fluorometer should be calibrated using a primary standard. A primary standard
contains the same fluorescent material that will be measured in the unknown samples. The
QuantiFluor™ Fluorometer will give an actual quantitative concentration reading when a primary
standard of known concentration is used for calibration. The primary standard is either made to a
known concentration, or to a known dilution factor. Ideally, the primary standard and blank samples,
used for calibration, are made with the same buffer in which the tests are performed. The standard and
samples must be in the linear detection range to achieve accurate quantitative results. See the General
Considerations Section (Section 5) for more details about the linear range and sample quenching.
The Minicell Adapter requires a minimum volume of 50µl for the QuantiFluor™-ST
Fluorometer and 75µl for the QuantiFluor™-P Fluorometer and accepts maximum total
volume of 250µl.
The 10 × 10mm square methacrylate or polystyrene cuvettes require a minimum volume of 2ml.
Be sure to insert the Minicell Adapter in the correct orientation when a Minicell cuvette is
used. If the BLUE channel is selected, insert the Minicell Adapter into the Sample
Compartment with the tab away from you and the blue label facing you. If the UV channel is
selected, insert the Minicell Adapter into the Sample Compartment with the tab close to you
and the UV label facing you.
The sample compartment lid must be closed before the instrument will read your sample.
Figure 5. Inserting the Quantifluor
-ST Minicell Adapter.
The Minicell Adapter for the QuantiFluor™-P is multidirectional and can be inserted in any
3.E. Calibration
For best accuracy, always calibrate prior to a sample analysis. The QuantiFluor™ Fluorometer will save
the calibration settings for each channel until a new calibration is performed.
If the temperature of the sample or the QuantiFluor™ Fluorometer changes significantly, the readings
may show a small shift. In this case, consider recalibrating. The Solid Standard (Cat.# E6113, which is
available for the QuantiFluor
™-ST only) is useful for checking the reading stability over time.
Cuvette orientation and cleanliness also can affect accuracy.