S.A.R.L. au capital de 15 250 €
SIRET : 408 484 913 00012 APE : 514 S R.C.S. CRETEIL
N° de TVA intra-communautaire : FR 13 408 484 913
Guarantee period starts from the day of the machine’s delivery to the buyer for 1 year
for all the mechanic parts including resistances.
Guarantee is strictly limited to our material, and against material and executive defects.
The buyer is responsible for proving the appointed defects.
Our responsibility is limited to the obligation to rectify or replace the recognized and
defective parts for free without the possibility for the buyer to claim any compensation
for any reason.
The parts replaced under guarantee:
Stay our property
Are subject to an invoice. Once we have received the broken spare parts at our office,
we provide you with the credit note cancelling this invoice. You should send the broken
spare parts to us WITHIN MAXIMUM 1 MONTH after the intervention.
Perishable materials such as: fuses, lights, transformers, joints, flexible shafts…
Perishable materials are not our own manufacturing; therefore they are under their
manufacturer’s guarantee.
For replacements neither for repairs which would be the results of normal wear and tear
from apparels and machines, deteriorations or accidents caused by negligence,
supervision or maintenance lack or caused by changes without our written permission.
In case of flaw from material provided by the buyer, neither a conception imposed by
the latter.
For repairs which would be the results of deteriorations or accidents from the freight.
For maintenance operations and adjustments inherent to the machine’s use and
advisable in the maintenance instructions, such as: intermediate adjustments, pipes
tightness etc… (do not apply in the guarantee conditions)