Auto Takeoff/landing
Auto Takeoff
1. Open the Ground control software
2. Complete all the steps in the Pre Flight Checklist
3. Upload the desired mission
4. Click Start
Auto Landing
1. If the conditions are safe to land, click the Land button
2. The motors stop after landing.
Flight Modes
1. Quad mode
In this mode the drone behaves as a typical quadcopter, where it uses its X-config
motors. This mode is typically used in landing and takeoff modes but may also be
enabled as an assistance mode when the drone is incapable of maintaining its cruise
speed (due to wind or gust). The mode is also enabled in failsafe situations when a
failure of operation occurs in the plane mode.
2. Plane mode
In this mode the drone operates like a typical plane and is propelled by the pusher motor
at the backside of the drone. During this mode the drone uses the servos and control
surfaces on the wing and the tail parts to control its motion. This mode is highly energy
efficient and is used in most of the mission parts.
Stabilize (QLoiter) Mode
This is the only manual mode in the aircraft, where the aircraft uses gps information and
sensor optimization for assisted flying. The drone automatically maintains the current location,
heading and altitude. The pilot may fly the drone in stabilized mode with the control sticks but
when the sticks are released, the vehicle will slow to a stop and hold position.
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