Set-up with text message
1234 = password, 0 = zero, space counts as a character and is therefore important.
Define the phone
number of the unit
and (optionally)
change password
1234 N0 xxxxxxxx yyyy
(N0 = N + zero)
xxxxxxxx = the unit phone no. yyyy = new four
digit password
Defines unit phone no. (N0) and create new
New password is not necessary.
Register no. 1, no.
2 and so on
1234 N1 11111111
1234 N2 22222222
Registers receiver 1 and 2 to receive text to phone
number 11 11 11 11 and 22 22 22 22
All in all 25 receivers.
Delete no. 1
1234 N1
Deletes receiver 1
Text on inputs
1234 Ax TEXT
TEXT on input x by opening/closing. x = 0,1, or 2
1234 Lx TEXT
TEXT on input x by opening/closing. x = 0,1 or 2
1234 Ax
Deletes TEXT for input x by opening/closing.
x = 0, 1 or 2.
1234 Lx
Deletes TEXT for input x by opening/closing.
x = 0, 1 or 2
Only alarm if text
is created
1234 CT
The unit ignores input that does not have text
connected to it
Create analogue
1234 V1 S yyyy zzzz
Set-up of the scale (yyyy = minimum zzzz =
maximum) for 0-10 V and for 0-20 mA.
1234 V1 M yyyy zzzz
Set-up of values for intervals LOW, MIDDLE and
HIGH (Point 1 and Point 2) on analogue input 1.
If the value on input becomes larger or smaller
than yyyy (Point 1) or larger or smaller than zzzz
(Point 2), an alarm is sent.
1234 V1 A TEXT
Alarm text LOW on analogue input 1 is sent when
the value becomes smaller than the value defined
in Point 1/yyyy (
Vx M yyyy zzzz