Thank you for having chosen a PROEL product.
The new Mi Series has been created by PROEL in order to o
er very compact mixers with a high input density at a very
ordable price. The series includes 3 models with 6, 10 and 12 channels, featuring in a very compact package a high
number of inputs and a full set of intelligent features, able to sa sfy most of the sound reinforcement applica ons.
feature one of the
nest digital e
ects of its class, the PROEL 24bit PROFEX DSP, including 256 state-of-
art presets and a convenient LED display. Both model deliver a clean and accurate sound and full mixing capability in a
stylish and unconven onal case.
1. MIC Input
This is a female XLR connector, which accepts a balanced microphone input from almost any type of microphone. The
XLR inputs are wire as follows:
Pin 1 = shield or ground
Pin 2 = + posi ve or "hot"
Pin 3 = - nega ve or "cold"
2. LINE Input
This is a ¼” (6.3mm) jack connector, which accepts a balanced or unbalanced line level input signal from almost any
source. When connec ng a balanced signal, wire them as follows:
Tip = + posi ve or "hot"
Ring = - nega ve or "cold"
Sleeve = shield or ground
When connec ng an unbalanced signal, wire them as follows:
Tip = + posi ve or "hot"
Sleeve = shield or ground
3. GAIN Control
The gain control adjusts the input sensi vity of the mic and line inputs. This allows the signal from mics and instruments
to be adjusted to op mal internal levels. If the signals are plugged into the XLR input there is a 10 dB of gain with the
knob turned all way down, ramping up to 50 dB of gain fully up. When connected to the jack input, there is 20 dB of
a enua on all way down and 20 dB of gain fully up, with a unity gain (0 dB) if centered.
4. LO CUT switch
This switch cuts low frequencies below 75 Hz at a rate of 18 dB per octave. The LO CUT
lter can help reducing the
possibility of feedback in live situa ons and to reducing stage rumble, mic handling clunks, and breath pops.
5. EQ sec on HIGH control
This control gives you up to 15dB boost or cut at 12KHz with a "SHELVING" curve shape. Use it to increase or reduce
the sound "clarity" or "brightness".
6. EQ sec on MID control
This control gives you up to 15 dB boost or cut at 2.5 KHz with a "PEAKING" curve shape. Use it to add or reduce the
sound "presence".
7. EQ sec on LOW control
This control gives you up to 15dB boost or cut at 80Hz with a "SHELVING" curve shape. Use it to increase or reduce the
sound "punch".
8. AUX 1 control (pre)
This control sends the signal to the AUX 1 output. This signal is pre-fader, meaning that it doesn't depend on the posi on
of the channel's FADER. NOTE: this control is present on Mi12 only.
9. AUX 2 (Mi12) / AUX 1 (Mi10) control (send to FX post)
This control sends the signal to the AUX 2 (Mi12) / AUX 1 (Mi10) output and to the internal PROFEX digital e
processor. This signal is post-fader, or in other words it depends on the posi on of the channel's FADER.
10. PAN control
It adjusts the amount of channel signal sent to the le versus the right outputs. Use it to posi on the signal in a
panoramic stereo scene.
11. PEAK detector
ashes when the input signal is near to the CLIPPING point. IMPORTANT: if the LED PEAK
ashes reduce
the level of the input signal using the GAIN control.