Before spreading the underlay (waterproofing pack) over the concrete, make sure
that the surface of the concrete is smooth, flat and clean. The underlay is precut to
the pool dimensions, no trimming will be necessary. Once laid, smooth out creases
in as far as this is possible.
The liner
layING tHe uNdeRlay
CouNteR swIm PRe-FIttING (ss Plate)
Screw the counter swim pre-
fitting SS plate to the inside of
the pool wall. Use the screws
provided with the plate. Take
care to centre the plate properly
over the cut out in the wall.
Once the SS plate is in position,
and if you do not intend to
proceed with installation of a
counter swim unit, block up the
cut out using the piece of foam
Pool side, stick the 2 self-
adhesive gaskets in position
taking care to ensure that the
holes are correctly aligned.
figures 35 & 36
figure 37