After than you have installed antenna boom on the mast procede to install both alluminum dipoles
on the boom bottom face. Install the short one on the front side, using four 80x6MA bolts and
predrilled square counter-plate. Install the long one on the back side using four 80x6MA bolts as
counter plate use the foot of the upholder wires pipe. In both cases insert bolts from bottom side.
Before to screw down the self-looking nuts, check that both dipoles are correctly spaced from the
nearest element, Make sure that they are in square and screw down the bolts to have a solid cross.
Install the top trussed wire doing a knots on the back eye bolt, pass trought the uphold pipe hole and
go to the front side eye bolt, pull to have the boom a little bit bended on the upper side, (banana
effect) and close down the knot. Install in the same way, the back dipole upper guy wire, to have it
like a gull wings.