The Compass is located on the dash on top of the console. To
ensure that the compass light is working properly, press the
Nav/Anc switch in the forward position to turn on the red LED light
inside the compass. When finished, turn the Nav/Anc switch back
to the middle position.
Please refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer
of the compass for operational procedures and for information
related to the care and maintenance of their product. When in
doubt, always defer to the compass manufacturer’s instructions
and/or recommendations.
Full Instrumentation / Gauges (Digital)
All gauges are installed on the console but the configuration and specific location of your gauges will vary
depending upon the selection of the various optional engine packages. If your engine package includes
analog gauges (i.e., Faria), the gauges will light up when the navigation lights are on. If your engine
package includes digital gauges provided by the engine manufacturer (i.e., Mercury SmartCraft, Honda,
etc.), the gauges will light up only when the engine is on.
Note: For boats rigged with analog gauges, the gauge configuration may include
individual gauges for the temperature, trim, volts and fuel gauges or a multifunction
gauge that includes multiple functions. For boats rigged with digital gauges, the
temperature, trim, volts and fuel gauges are incorporated into the tachometer gauge.
Tachometer - To ensure the tach is working properly, simply turn the ignition key on and start the engine.
While the engine is idling, the tach should be reading in the proper RPM range recommended for the
engine. Your engine manual will indicate the appropriate RPM range. When you are running at wide-
open throttle, the tach should read near the top end of the recommended RPM range.
If the RPM gauge is reading correctly and the engine throttle settings are correct, the tachometer is
operating properly. If the tachometer is not reading correctly, refer to the manual provided by the
manufacturer of the gauge (included in your owner’s package).
Speedometer - To ensure that the speedometer (Speedo) is working properly, get the boat on a planing
speed and check to see if the gauge is reading at the approximate running speed at which the boat is
Note: The speed-reading on the Speedo may vary a few mph from the actual speed that
the boat is traveling. Either a GPS or a radar gun can check the running speed.
Fuel - The fuel gauge reads the amount of fuel remaining in the tank. To check the fuel gauge, place a
known amount of fuel into the fuel fill and fill the tank. Turn the ignition key on and the fuel gauge should
read the approximate amount of fuel in the tank.
For example: If the fuel tank holds 140 gallons of fuel and you pumped 35 gallons of fuel
into the tank, the fuel gauge should read approximately ¼ of a tank. This ensures that
the fuel gauge and the fuel sender are working properly.
If the fuel gauge is not reading correctly, we recommend that you have the fuel sender checked by a
qualified professional before considering changing out the gauge. For more information, please refer to
the Fuel/Oil Systems section of this manual.
Trim - To ensure the trim gauges/indicators are working properly, start by making sure the engine is
trimmed all the way down. Locate the trim gauge on the instrument panel and check to see if the level on
the trim gauge is in the full down position. As you trim the engine up, watch the trim gauge and ensure