Spreader Lights and Courtesy Light (Optional)
The installation of the spreader lights and courtesy light requires the optional rigid T-top. The spreader
lights are mounted to the aft side of the rigid T-top frame, next to the T-top rod holders. The dome
shaped courtesy light is mounted to the bottom of the T-top storage box.
Two (2) push in switches for the spreader lights and courtesy light are located on the base of the dome
shaped courtesy light.
To operate the dome shaped courtesy light - Press the switch labeled courtesy once to
turn on the white courtesy light. When you press the same switch a 2
time, the white
courtesy light will be turned off and the red courtesy light (for night vision) will turn on.
Press the same switch a 3
time to turn off the red courtesy light.
To operate the spreader lights - The spreader light switch operates in the same manor as
the courtesy light but only needs to be pressed in once to be turned on and once again to
be turned off.
The compass on the 29 Super Sport is located on the dash on top
of the console. To ensure that the compass light is working
properly, press the Nav/Anc switch in the forward position to turn on
the red LED light inside the compass. When finished, turn the
Nav/Anc switch back to the middle position.
Please refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of
the compass for operational procedures and for information related
to the care and maintenance of their product. When in doubt,
always defer to the compass manufacturer’s instructions and/or
Horn - Electric
To check and see if the horn is working properly, press the horn switch in the forward position and listen
to hear the horn. The horn is used to signal, warn or alert other boats or persons on shore. The horn
switch is located on the switch panel. The horn device is located on the starboard side of the console.
Depress the horn switch to the up or forward position to activate the horn, then release the horn switch to
Spot Light
Remote Spot
Light Control