2.8.2 Printer connection
GP-4501T/TW is not equipped with Centronics (parallel) Interface for a printer
though GP-477RE is equipped with it. If the printer for GP-477RE is used for
GP-4501T/TW, a converter that converts USB I/Fon GP-4501T/TW to Centronics
I/F is required. And GP-4501T/TW allows you to connect a printer on its USB port.
For the models GP-4501T/TW supports, see [OtasukePro!]
2.8.3 Expansion Unit
GP-4501T/TW is not equipped with an expansion unit interface. The expansion unit
(each kind of unit like CC-LINK Unit) for GP-477RE cannot be used.
2.8.4 Front Maintenance Unit
The front maintenance unit for GP-477RE (GP077-CFFM10) cannot be used for
2.8.5 Isolation Unit
The isolation unit for GP-477RE (CA2-ISOALL232-01, CA2-ISOALL422-01) cannot
be used for GP-4501T/TW. You can use the RS-232C isolation unit for
GP-4501T/TW (CA3-ISO232-01) instead. In this case, select “VCC” from [System
Settings] -> [Device/PLC] in the [Project] menu on GP-Pro EX.
2.9 Power Connector
2.9.1 AC power supply type
The power connector on GP-4501T (AC type) has the same terminal block as
GP-477RE (AC type), but the FG location is different.
GP-4501TW has a DC power supply type only. When replacing GP-477RE (AC type)
with GP-4501TW, changing to DC power supply is required.