Instruction manual
Water full:
If the water tank is full the full indicator will show red and an alarm will
sound. Empty and replace the water tank and the dehumidifier will
automatically resume its set operation.
NOTE: The compressor will not begin until 3 minutes has passed.
Automatic Defrost:
It is possible that the dehumidifier can produce internal frost. This is
normal and the dehumidifier will automatically go into defrost mode
when frost is detected to reduce this.
The compressor will turn off and the fan will continue, once the
defrost has finished the compressor will start and normal operation
will continue.
The dehumidifier can be used manually with its built-in controls or
you can use a smart phone or smart speaker to control it. Before
you begin, ensure the Princess Home app is downloaded. The
Princess Home app is available on Android and iOS.
Download the correct version of the Princess Home app via our
website or use QR:
Pair your dehumidifier to Princess Home app
Make sure your dehumidifier is powered and that the unit in pair
mode by pressing and holding the Wi-Fi button, it could take
about 6 seconds.
Open the Princess Home app.