Photos Do Not Capture Subject of Interest
Try to set your camera up in an area where there is not a heat
source in the camera’s line of sight.
2. In some cases, setting the camera near water will make the
camera take images with no subject in them. Try aiming the
camera over ground.
Try to avoid setting the camera up on small trees that are prone
to being moved by strong winds.
Remove any limbs which are right in front of the camera lens.
PIR Sensor LED Flashes/Doesn’t Flash
For the first three minutes after the camera is switch on, the PIR
Indicator LED on the front of the camera will flash for 3 seconds
whenever it senses motion. This is for setup purposes only and
will help the user aim the camera.
2. During use, the LED will not flash when the camera takes an
image. This is to help keep the camera hidden from game.
Time/Date Imprint is Not Accurate
If you let any significant amount of time elapse between setting
and saving the current time on the SD card using your computer
(following the Timetool directions on pg. 11)
and inserting it back
into the camera, the time will be off by that amount. If you don’t
put the card back into the camera until two days after you saved
the text file on it with the time & date, the camera will “think”
the current date is still the same as it was two days ago, and the
imprint on your photos will be off by that much.
Troubleshooting / FAQ
Primos 65053 BulletProof Cam_1LIM.indd 19
12/16/14 11:46 AM