Using your Dream Player MC
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When created, ALL 8 channels of audio are contained in a single multi-channel file.
This makes it quite convenient and easy to load a very complex file and have very
reliable playback from your Dream Player MC.
You must number the audio files loaded onto the SD Card. The Dream Player will
understand the numbers ‘1-’, ‘2-’, ‘3-’, ‘4-’, when placed in front of the file name.
These numbers indicate to the Dream Player what ‘track’ they are. If you do not
number the files, the Dream Player will not recognize the files, so it is very important
to include the “-” at the beginning of the file name.
You can name your files anything you want. For your convenience, you can name the
files something sensible like “Mountain Day.wav” on your computer, and then rename
the file once it is on the SD Card. A good file name is something like “1-Mountain
Day.wav” which would be treated as Track-1.
During normal operation the Dream Player will play track 1 by default when the on-
board button is pressed or is triggered from an outside source via the trigger input.
Loading the SD Card
In order for the Dream Player MC to read your audio files, they must be copied onto
your micro SD Card. Any standard SD Card reader attached to any computer can be
used. The Dream Player MC will accept most brands of SD Card, in any capacity up
to 16GB.
Simply copy your wav files onto the micro SD Card. Keep in mind The Dream Player
will not look in any folders or sub-directories for its files. Keep all audio files in the
root file of your SD Card.
After you copy the files onto the SD Card a file can be renamed at any time. The MC
will accept fragmented cards, meaning you do not have to delete all files off the card
before loading your new ones on. For example: If you had 4 tracks on your card and
you wanted to change track 2 you would simply delete the old track and put the new
one on the card. You do not have to delete and then rewrite ALL the files to the card.