Using your Dream Player MC
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3.2 Audio Output Connector
The Dream Player MC can drive any audio amplifier, powered speakers, or media
speakers that you would typically use with a computer. Since the Dream Player MC is
an 8-Channel device, you will need 4 sets of Stereo Speakers or amplifiers. Prices of
media speakers are quite reasonable and you can obtain them from almost every
computer store and electronic outlet. Depending on the quality and volume you are
trying to achieve, these speakers can be purchased anywhere from $15-$100+.
We have found that many speakers in
the $35-$50 range sound terrific and
meet most of our customer’s application
needs. A lot of them are quite small and
easy to conceal. Choose your speakers
wisely as the best audio you can get is
often times limited by the quality of the
speakers you choose. If you are at a loss
for what speakers to get, we offer some
reviews of speakers we have purchased
on-line with some links to how you may
purchase them. Please visit
and check out the
Media Speaker review on Bob’s Bench.
To connect your speakers to the Dream
Player MC, simply plug in the stereo
plug from the speakers into one of the
4 Audio Output Jacks on the Dream
Player MC. You can insert as many
extensions as you need to accomplish
your project wiring needs.
These extensions should be 1/8” stereo
cables, and are sometimes sold as headphone extension cables.
Again many electronic stores will sell this item.
To avoid ‘blowing something up’ set the volume on the speakers pretty low to start
with. Then adjust as appropriate for your sound, and speaker, setup.
All sounds are not created and mixed equally, and we would hate for you to blow a
good set of speakers at start-up!
To state the obvious, start low and work your way up from there.