Getting Started
Step 1: Filling your OxyHandSpa
Make sure unit is unplugged. Place two
(2) fingers in the tank release cut-out
located on the top of the Water Tank,
using fi ngers to slide up and remove the
Water Tank from the device. Slide (lift-up)
Water Tank gently – tank fi ts within slot-
ted channels.
• Turn the tank upside down and open cap.
• Fill the tank with distilled water
(recommended) or fresh tap water to the
designated level and close.
• Place the water tank back into the top
cover, making sure the slots match up
to the grooves and press tank into place
fi rmly. Water will fl ow from the Water
Tank into an internal reservoir.
• Plug in the device to wall adaptor and
connect DC plug into the socket on the
device (left rear side of device).
Step 2: Functional Controls
• On/Off + Oxygenated Mist Flow Control
knob is located on the left side of the
device – turn clockwise for on position/
counterclockwise for off position, adjust
clockwise for higher oxygenated mist fl ow
and counterclockwise for lower oxygen-
ated mist fl ow, an LED Green indicator light
indicates when device is in the “ON” posi-
tion, when LED light turns Red it indicates
water level in Water Tank is empty and
water level in reservoir is about 80ml – so
time to refi ll. When Oxygenated Mist Flow
Control knob is in OFF position – counter
clockwise, there is no LED light.